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Family Offerings

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH
Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH


Our nursery is staffed on Sunday mornings with 2 adults from 9:30am through 12pm. The safety of your child is our highest priority. Each child is signed in and out of the nursery. We also provide pagers to alert you if needed. Finally, every person who works in the nursery has passed a background check.

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH

Christian Education

One of Lord of Life's core values is that all of us - children, youth, and adults - continue to mature as disciples throughout our lives. While this growth can happen anywhere and anytime, we intentionally offer faith formation for all ages between 9:30am and 10:30am on Sunday mornings. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH

Christmas Program

Our Life Passage students share the good news of the Christmas story each year around the 3rd Sunday in Advent. We worship all together at one service for  this program, led by our youth choir directors.

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH


We firmly believe that children belong in worship, and we believe it is a gift to worship together as a family. As you enter our sanctuary, there is a section on the right side designated for young children and families that we call the "prayground."It is a carpeted, open,kid-friendly space. Families are welcome to worship anywhere in our sanctuary; this is merely one option available for you. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH

Midweek Fellowship

On Wednesday evenings during the program year (from Labor Day through early May), our church community gathers for a meal, music practice, and a ministry activity. Kid-friendly food is available from 5pm to 6pm. The Cherub and Grace Choirs practice from 6pm - 6:30pm. We then close all together with a ritual we call "Five at the Font," a simple but beloved practice of gathering around the baptismal font in our sanctuary to remember the promises of love and relationship that God makes with us in baptism. It's an extremely relaxed atmosphere, and any age is invited to the meal. At 7pm, our adult choir begins rehearsal. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH

Children's Quiet Corner

In addition to the nursery and prayground, our narthex (the greeting / gathering area outside our sanctuary) also has a small area designated for children with a sofa for adults. The audio from worship is broadcast into the narthex space as well. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH

Children's Choirs

Lord of Life has two children's choirs. The Cherub Choir, for ages 3-1st Grade, and the Grace Choir, 2nd-6th grade, meets on Wednesdays through the program year and participates in the Contemporary Service. 

Lord of Life Lutheran Church Columbus OH

A Cup of Joy

As part of our expression of radical hospitality, every Sunday at Lord of Life includes fresh Silver Bridge coffee and warm cookies out of the oven. Volunteers staff the area weekly. Tea, espresso, and hot chocolate are available upon request, with the latter being especially popular with children during the winter months.

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