What We Believe

To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ.
Lord of Life Lutheran Church is a community of Christ where we experience God's grace, comfort and acceptance through each other. From here, everyone is empowered to share, teach and give what each has received.
1. The Gospel calls us to unconditional regard for all people.
2. Prayer is necessary for our relationship with God, one another, and the world.
3. Scripture provides the foundation for our lives of faith.
4. The authority for our ministry is founded in Jesus Christ, the head of the Church which is the Body of Christ on earth. An elected Congregation Council provides administrative authority; our called pastor(s) provides the spiritual authority of the Office of Word and Sacrament Ministry.
5. Each member is uniquely gifted by God for ministry and is expected to mature in discipleship of Jesus Christ.
6. Any ministry based on our Mission, Vision and Core Values is valid for our congregation, and may, at any time, evolve or end.
In practice, this means...
We Live by Grace
As a church in the Lutheran tradition, Lord of Life emphasizes the grace of God at work in the world. Grace is the belief that God's love for humanity is so vast and all-encompassing that there is nothing people can do (or fail to do) that will overshadow or take away that love.
As Lutherans, we believe that Christians are free to love and serve the world in response to this gift of grace. We don't have to earn God's love, but, having been loved so unconditionally, we strive to reflect that love to our neighbors and community.
God Calls Us to Be Disciples
What does this look like in daily living?
- We worship together and pray for one another.
- We pay attention to what Jesus describes as the greatest commandment: "Love God, and love your neighbors as yourself."
- We are committed to deepen our faith through continued learning together. We are open to being challenged and invited by God to continue to discover that the journey of growing as a disciple has no ending point.
- We are guided by the Bible, reliable words that tell the story of the relationship between God and the world, and we confess the creeds of the church.
- We believe we are simultaneously saints and sinners all the time.
Lord of Life is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a denominational body of 3.5 million members and 9,000 congregations. Find out more by visiting ELCA.org/About